It’s time to make progress in your communications success. Let us help change your sense of what’s possible today.
Our Favorite Project? Every One.

Print and Digital Publications


Websites and Sales Tools

Delivering the Whole Package.
We Build
- Audits
Identity - Advertising
Sales Tools
Events - Websites
Social - White Papers
Annual Reports - Fundraising
Admissions - Codes of Conduct
Training Programs

Our Best Work. For the Best Clients.

A Collection of Our Favorite Projects

Brand Rehab showcases a variety of projects produced by Taylor Design over the past thirty years, from 1992 to 2022. Helping clients communicate, promote, train, reposition, and entertain (or, quite simply, to differentiate their brands), Taylor Design has served corporations and institutions such as Mastercard, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Sarah Lawrence College, Columbia University, Keep America Beautiful, Starwood Capital, Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Charter Communications, and Boehringer Ingelheim, with much of their work earning national and international awards. Throughout the book Dan provides deep insights into the studio’s creative process and shares observations and ideas on the keys to success in the communications and branding industry.

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